Paste the code at the end of this post here:
And press “Run”.
Edit “pos” (position), “velocity”, “charge” and “mass” parameters to simulate a different set of charged particles.
Add a sphere with all the parameters (followed by a “,”) to add an additional charged particle to the simulation.
I hope people will play around and have fun!
(If you have questions, you can ask in the comments.)
# from math import * # from visual import * # from visual.graph import * from vpython import * # import vpython scene.fullscreen = True G = 10 # edit initial conditions here ########## spheres = [ sphere(pos=vector(0,0,0),radius =6,,charge=1000,mass=7200,velocity=vector(0,0,0),a = vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(, sphere(pos=vector(0,100,-1),radius=2,,charge=-1,mass=1,velocity=vector(10,0,0),a=vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(, #sphere(pos=vector(0,12,0),radius=.08,,mass=sqrt(4),velocity=vector(1.2,0,0.6),a=vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(, sphere(pos=vector(0,100,1),radius=2,color=color.white,charge=-1,mass=1,velocity=vector(-10,0,0),a=vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(color=color.white)), #sphere(pos=vector(0,28,0),radius=.4,,mass=sqrt(80),velocity=vector(0.7,0,0.4),a=vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(, #sphere(pos=vector(0,32,0),radius=0.2,color=color.white,mass=-sqrt(10),velocity=vector(1.5,0,0.4),a=vector(0,0,0),trail=curve(color=color.white)) ] #print(spheres[0].a) #print(len(spheres)) def acceleration1on2(sphere2,sphere1): r = sphere2.pos - sphere1.pos r_mag = mag(r) normal_r = norm(r) g = ((G*sphere1.charge*sphere2.charge)/pow(r_mag,2))/sphere2.mass*normal_r #print(g) return g t = 0 dt = .01 while 1: rate(100) for i in spheres: i.a = vector(0,0,0) soi = vector(0,0,0) for j in spheres: if i!=j: i.a = i.a + acceleration1on2(i,j) for i in spheres: #print(i.velocity) i.velocity = i.velocity + i.a *dt i.pos = i.pos+i.velocity*dt #print(i.a) i.trail.append(pos=i.pos)[0].pos.x,spheres[0].pos.y,spheres[0].pos.z) # print(i.a)